Interview about the power of digital maps
Mark Graham is interviewed about the power of digital maps
Mark Graham is interviewed about the power of digital maps
A special issue of the journal innovations has just been published. The issue focused on the topic of ‘digital inclusion’ and features a short piece that I wrote. Graham, M. 2014 Inequitable Distributions in Internet Geographies: The Global South is Gaining Access But Lags in Local Content. innovations 9(3-4). 17-34. The piece asks whether increasing Internet access… Read More »
New article examining historical and contemporary expectations of connectivity in East Africa
Visualisation highlighting the fact that a majority of content produced in Wikipedia is about a relatively small part of our planet
Building on our map of content in Flickr, this graphic tells a very similar story. Panoramio is smaller than Flickr, with about a tenth of its users, and only a fraction of its photos. Nonetheless, Panoramio plays an important role in online representations of places, as photographs on the site can be accessed as a… Read More »
Visualisation of the global submarine fibre-optic cable network
The first stage of the project aims to broadly understand the diversity of new practices in Sub Saharan Africa’s knowledge economy. We define the knowledge economy as a combination of IT-enabled services, the quaternary sector of the economy, and more informal processes and practices of IT-mediated information production that tend to get left out of… Read More »
Findings On the whole there isn’t a large disparity between men and women on the social networks represented here. The data indicate a total ratio of 1.05 males to every female. This more-or-less equal gender balance can be seen in the two largest social platforms, Facebook and YouTube, whose gender ratios are very close to the ratio in… Read More »
Data Many big technology companies have developed algorithms for providing query suggestions based on input to search fields and/or immediate feedback to users (see this, this, or this patent). These techniques are commonly referred to as autosuggest, incremental search or autocomplete. Google uses the latter name for its implementation in their Web search interface. Google… Read More »
Visualisation of geographic knowledge in Freebase, a core ingredient in the informational menu presented to us by Google search